Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The last push

I'm was doing some tweaks but generally speaking there was so much i wanted to do that had to be cut, like dynamics and ncloth and some SFX, but maybe I'll consider the tweaks for the degree show depending on how things go.

The sets is very well polished, well I like to think so anyways, houses are quite flat but then modeling them to look old and worn would've been time consuming i felt

The characters aren't exactly thrilled about they just took to long, and i even had to remake the child before, the only real benefit is I can take from it is I have a better grasp of how to model people more. Wish I had time to do hair properly I just made a curve as slapped in bulks hoping it imitates hair, the real issue is when people see this is that the hair wont move when its meant to be, well I'm not attempting realistic that crazy, but sort of life like.

I personally dint like setup machine when it comes to animating more technical stuff, the ankle/heel system is flawd I felt as for me the rotate heel and rotate toe do the same thing whats the point, well it felt like it did to me, and other various things.

One of the pleasing thing is the boat, but I think that's only because you notice the tires more then anything else

Most of the animating done, but the final scene is still needs to be sorted out. That can Be added for the show reel version just wanted to hand in the main thing

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